Curriculum Overview
Our Aims for the curriculum:
- To ensure coherence and relevance of curriculum;
- To provide opportunities for deeper learning;
- To secure mastery of knowledge and skills for all learners;
- To develop specific, broad vocabulary.
At Houghton on the Hill Primary School we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school. The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to flourish and be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education and beyond.
The curriculum is driven by the school’s Christian Vision,values and character development work, which together with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils are woven through the curriculum. Learning behaviours such as participation, curiosity, problem solving, perseverance and reflection are valued and promoted across the whole curriculum as these non-cognitive skills will contribute towards our pupils becoming well-rounded, successful individuals.
Our school uses a whole class teaching, mastery pedagogy, with support for those who need it and opportunities to deepen understanding for those who can tackle them. We do not set in ability groups or provide different work for different learners, but our aim is for the large majority of children to securely master key learning. We believe in high expectations, and do not place ceilings of achievement on any pupil.
The English curriculum is taught through discreet lessons for both reading and writing. In EYFS and KS1 there are daily phonics lessons and these continue into KS2 for children that need additional practice. A range of writing genres are taught across the year groups with a focus on the relevant grammatical features to ensure that there is progression across school.
The Mathematics curriculum follows a mastery approach. Work provides deep learning through a small steps approach and the 5 Big Ideas (Mathematical Thinking, Fluency, Representation and Structure, Variation and Coherence) ensure that all children can make connections and have a deep understanding of key concepts.
Interventions for reading, writing and mathematics are provided through rapid response, pre-teaching, same-day interventions, as well as formal programmes for specific needs. ‘Keep up’ strategies are used as well as ‘Catch-up’ so that all children have the opportunity to make expected or more than expected progress.
For other National Curriculum subjects, we ensure that children have opportunities to develop key skills and knowledge in order to know more and remember more over time. Our curriculum is progressive and ambitious and connections are made to previous learning through common themes, concepts and vocabulary. We believe that pupils can and should excel and achieve in non-core subjects regardless of their literacy levels.
Curriculum subject are led by named leaders, who evaluate provision and plan annual improvement actions. A dedicated sports coach enhances PE provision and supports professional development of teachers. Peripatetic teachers are available for individual and group music tuition, and pupils in Year Four experience a funded year of whole-class brass or string tuition, with the option to continue in subsequent years. Themed days, whole school activities and opportunities within and outside school all enrich and develop the children’s learning. After school clubs and events extend these opportunities further. Residential opportunities are available in Key Stage 2.
The outdoor environment is especially important in our curriculum, with a mature arboretum used for science and geography as well as our well-developed Forest School programme.