Data Headlines
School Data
This link takes you to the DFE website that shows our data for pupils who completed Key Stage 2 SATS in the summer of 2024. These figures were published in December 2024.
Headlines from 2024 DATA
EYFS & KS1 STATUTORY ASSESSMENTS | School Data | National |
EYFS GLD | 71% | 68% |
YR1 PHONICS | 90% | 79% |
KS1 Reading Writing Maths exp std | 52% | 56% |
READING exp standard | 66% | 68% |
WRITING exp standard | 66% | 60% |
MATHS exp standard | 79% | 70% |
KS1 Reading Writing Maths above exp std | 3% | 6% |
READING above exp standard | 24% | 19% |
WRITING above exp standard | 7% | 8% |
MATHS above exp standard | 17% | 7% |
School Data |
National |
KS2 Reading Writing Maths exp std | 50% | 61% |
READING exp standard | 82% | 74% |
WRITING exp standard | 68% | 72% |
MATHS exp standard | 75% | 70% |
SPaG ex standard | 79% | 72% |
KS2 Reading Writing Maths above exp std | 7% | 8% |
READING above exp standard | 25% | 29% |
WRITING above exp standard | 11% | 13% |
MATHS above exp standard | 39% | 24% |
SPaG above ex standard | 43% | 30% |
- 48% achieved full marks ( national in 2023 was 29%)
- Average score 23.32%